Brian Murphy

1424 days ago

San Leon Energy and the missing dividends – does Computershare realise it’s not 1974 any more?

Do not get me wrong, I am told that there were some great things about the 1970s: The Sweeney, Starsky & Hutch, pre AIDS casual sex, The Harlem Globetrotters, Star Wars, Abba, the rise of Maggie… the list goes on an on. But while we may yearn for much of that, surely we do not want to go back to a world where we receive payments by cheques sent in the post? That is more George & Mildred than Debbie Harry.  Over at registrars Computershare it seems that time has stood still and they are still watching and laughing at Brian Murphy and Yootha Joyce.

My pension and other loyal shareholders in this company should have received a bumper 6p per share special dividend in San Leon Energy (SLE) on 29 May.
